
Authentication Form

Please only purchase from Gromark CEPL authorized distributors to ensure quality and authenticity. You can find your local distributors in our “Where to Buy” page.

Should you come across a website or web listing, a clinic or a retailer that claims to offer Crystal Tomato® products or claims to offer Crystal Tomato® Carotenoids in their product, you may verify the authenticity of these claims by filling in the form below. This not only helps us to identify false representation and counterfeits but also helps to ensure that you only purchase the quality of authentic Crystal Tomato® products. Company issues apology for infringement of Crystal Tomato® trademark.

Do not purchase from popular e-commerce websites or unauthorized individual sellers. Online purchases should only be made at Koosch.com, our exclusive online agent. Please be warned that purchasing from unauthorized online sellers is done so at your own risk.

Buy authentic: Verification Form

  • Information

  • The URL of the website where Crystal Tomato® products, what are claimed to be Crystal Tomato® products, or products claiming to contain Crystal Tomato® Carotenoids are being offered.
  • Please provide us with a short description that may better help us in our investigation. Details such as the name of the product, or claims and descriptions in the packaging or marketing material that may seem suspicious to you.
  • 拖拽文件到此处,或者
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 20 MB.
      You may also upload a photo of the product or a poster, or a screenshot to us if you have it. This will certainly help us.